ScionIndustrial ENgineering

The economic development of Yemen

Among widespread poverty, high levels of unemployment,corruption and a major deterioration in services such as water, electricity and security, Yemen and international development partners are increasingly realizing the need to focus on economic development in Yemen. Yemen’s last two years of transition were characterized by intense scrutiny of the political process which overshadowed a focus on economic development in the country.

However, the economy doesn’t just need shallow attention. If Yemen’s tremendous economic prospects are to be changed that attention needs to operate within a very specialized framework.

Yemen reforms the champions and the international development partners can no longer afford to develop their agendas and programs based purely on technical assessments without fully understanding the patronage networks and accounting for different interests and incentives.

New approaches to addressing Yemen’s development challenges, combined with widespread change and renewed commitments within the government, are all vital to move the country forward.

Another tool to address these two questions is to insist on conditions and stipulations that build scrutiny around the budget process. A portion of aid money—and more importantly the donors’ influence—should focus on building local accountability and ensuring budget transparency.

“Being able to fulfill the demand for spare parts at the time they are needed is a key element of customer satisfaction and retention,” explains David Barboro, general manager, service network solutions, for Click Commerce.

More than ever, manufacturers these days are seeking ways to increase the economic development and growth of Yemen. . However, many of them neglect one important opportunity—their own service business. With the challenges of low-cost competitors, increasing business complexity and increasing customer demands, one way manufacturers can differentiate themselves is via service excellence, especially in the area of replacement and spare-parts management.

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